Nottingham Forest owner Evangelos Marinakis is accused of 'supporting a criminal organisation and inciting sports-related violence' -  but he claims he is being BLACKMAILED

Nottingham Forest owner Evangelos Marinakis is accused of ‘supporting a criminal organisation and inciting sports-related violence’ –  but he claims he is being BLACKMAILED

  • Olympiacos, which Marinakis also owns, have released an incendiary statement
  • The Greek club claims the misdemeanor allegations are part of a blackmail attempt
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Nottingham Forest owner Evangelos Marinakis is being investigated in relation to misdemeanours including ‘supporting a criminal organisation as well as inciting sports-related violence’.

Olympiacos, which Marinakis also owns, have released an explosive statement in response to the move, claiming it is a blackmail attempt by ‘those who operate under parastatal conditions in the public life of the country’.

Marinakis is being investigated in relation to alleged misdemeanours in Greece along with a number of officials from the Greek club in connection with an investigation into a criminal organisation within football which was linked to the murder of a police officer last year, according to reports in Greece.

Each has been summoned to appear before the investigating magistrate next Tuesday, but can request a delay to allow them to prepare a defence. The investigating magistrate will determine whether the allegations have any merit.

Dozens of individuals, including key members of Olympiacos fan group Gate 7, have been detained ahead of a trial following the death of officer Giorgos Lyggeridis, who was shot in the thigh and killed when violence flared at a volleyball match between Olympiacos and Panathinaikos in Athens.

In a statement, Olympiacos say the alleged misdemeanours are ‘a new attempt to blackmail Olympiacos in order to bend both the Olympiacos family and its President himself.

Nottingham Forest owner Evangelos Marinakis has been accused of misdemeanours

The allegations are for ‘supporting a criminal organisation and inciting sports-related violence’

Marinakis-owned Olympiacos have released an explosive statement claiming it is a blackmail attempt by ‘those who operate under parastatal conditions in the public life of the country’

‘This development came as a continuation of the unjust mass targeting of our followers as a criminal organisation,’ they add.

‘Even the most naive can understand that the time chosen is not random. This method has political characteristics and unfortunately uses the Justice itself as a tool.

‘Those who operate under parastatal conditions in the public life of the country are responsible for this mess.

‘The President of PAE Olympiacos and the Olympiacos family have a clear conscience, they are not being blackmailed, they are not bending.’

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