
Closing Arguments

Closing Arguments

Monday on the RealClearPolitics radio show — weeknights at 6:00 p.m. on SiriusXM’s POTUS Channel 124 and then on Apple, Spotify, and here on our website — Carl Cannon, Andrew Walworth, and Tom Bevan discuss the final hours of the

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Australia politics live: chair of Queensland truth-telling inquiry says LNP’s decision to pause process ‘continues 165 years of government failing to listen’ | Australian politics

Australia politics live: chair of Queensland truth-telling inquiry says LNP’s decision to pause process ‘continues 165 years of government failing to listen’ | Australian politics

LNP’s decision to pause truth-telling ‘continues 165 years of government failing to listen’: Josh Creamer Andrew Messenger Josh Creamer, the chair of Queensland’s truth-telling and healing inquiry, has spoken about the decision to put the process on “hold”. Despite repeated

Australia politics live: chair of Queensland truth-telling inquiry says LNP’s decision to pause process ‘continues 165 years of government failing to listen’ | Australian politics Read More »