2024: The year of influencer news sources

2024: The year of influencer news sources

Elon Musk has spent much of 2024 claiming that the internet is the “new media.” There is no doubt that social media and the influencers who drive it played a major role throughout the year. Influencers who were once seen merely as a form of entertainment seemingly steered much of the conservation in 2024, particularly regarding the presidential election.

While there was a continued push for spots in mainstream newspapers and cable television, podcasters also snagged interviews with both major candidates, racking up millions of views and listens. Some pundits have claimed that this focus on influencer media is a large reason why Kamala Harris lost and Donald Trump won. This dissemination of the news through podcasts isn’t likely to go away anytime soon, as about one in five Americans “regularly get news from influencers on social media,” according to the Pew Research Center.

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